Sanctuary Point Public School

Together We Succeed

Telephone02 4443 0546

About our school

Walawaani Njindiwan. Sanctuary Point Public School is a large, comprehensive public school located in the Bay and Basin area in the village of Sanctuary Point. The school has approximately 500 students in 23 classes including 5 support classes and approximately 100 Aboriginal students. We are an innovative school community that supports the idea of lifelong learning and are committed to working in partnership with parents and the wider community.

Sanctuary Point Public School:

  • is committed to sustaining a positive, caring and inclusive school culture.
  • students and staff work in a supportive quality learning and teaching environment.
  • focuses on student engagement and achieving high levels in literacy and numeracy, together with significant experiences in all curriculum areas, using the latest technology as a tool for learning.
  • supports and caters for the needs of all students and celebrates the achievements of each child.
  • works in partnership with parents and the wider community, nurture students to develop independence, resilience as well as a desire for lifelong learning.
  • is committed to building greater knowledge of and respect for local Aboriginal culture and to ensure Aboriginal students achieve the same levels of academic success as their non-Aboriginal peers.